March Subscription Box | Glass Dip Pen and Blooming Majuscules

Glass dip pen featuring blanca lewis calligraphy

Your glass pen has grooves or ridges that work as the ink reservoir. so to write you only need to dip your pen in ink and you’re ready to go! ~Blanca Lewis

Blanca Lewis

Blanca is a live event artist based in San Francisco, California. She specializes in onsite events that include calligraphy, hand engraving, bottle painting and leather foiling. Her calligraphy journey started with modern script but quickly found copperplate and fell in love with it. Since starting her learning journey she has taken courses in copperplate, spencerian, and modern scripts. Blanca will forever consider herself a student, who loves taking new classes to improve and learn new skills. You can find her website here!

This month’s video tutorial:

Watch it here!

This month’s products in your subscription:

Many items were purchased wholesale, so I’ve provided a similar or full set item available for public purchasing. By clicking my links I may earn a small commission. Thank you for supporting my creative journey which in turn supports yours!

Giveaway items:

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